Frosty Holiday Bouquet
A generous bouquet of long-lasting frosted-looking flowers, pussy willow, winterberry and Canadian wintergreens. The perfect wintery bouquet for your home or your hosts.
Bouquet in photo is size ‘Standard.’
Flowers and foliage may vary depending on availability and nature.
A generous bouquet of long-lasting frosted-looking flowers, pussy willow, winterberry and Canadian wintergreens. The perfect wintery bouquet for your home or your hosts.
Bouquet in photo is size ‘Standard.’
Flowers and foliage may vary depending on availability and nature.
A generous bouquet of long-lasting frosted-looking flowers, pussy willow, winterberry and Canadian wintergreens. The perfect wintery bouquet for your home or your hosts.
Bouquet in photo is size ‘Standard.’
Flowers and foliage may vary depending on availability and nature.