Valentine’s Day Hand-tied Bouquet
A mixed bouquet of select romantic blooms. Enjoy a pre-arranged bouquet of ranunculus, roses, tulips, sweet peas, stock, carnations, chrysanthemums, eucalyptus and more in the following four colour palettes:
The Lover’s Palette: Romantic Reds, Pinks and Burgundy
The Charmer’s Palette: Vibrant Fuschia, Coral, Peach and Orange
The Darling’s Palette: Soft Blush, White, Lavender and Pink
The Sweetheart’s Palette: Colourful Pastels
Bouquets in photo showcase our $100 and $175 and $250 sizes in that order. You may select an optional simple glass vase to be included with all hand-tied bouquets which will be placed in a flower box with tissue and ribbon.
A mixed bouquet of select romantic blooms. Enjoy a pre-arranged bouquet of ranunculus, roses, tulips, sweet peas, stock, carnations, chrysanthemums, eucalyptus and more in the following four colour palettes:
The Lover’s Palette: Romantic Reds, Pinks and Burgundy
The Charmer’s Palette: Vibrant Fuschia, Coral, Peach and Orange
The Darling’s Palette: Soft Blush, White, Lavender and Pink
The Sweetheart’s Palette: Colourful Pastels
Bouquets in photo showcase our $100 and $175 and $250 sizes in that order. You may select an optional simple glass vase to be included with all hand-tied bouquets which will be placed in a flower box with tissue and ribbon.
A mixed bouquet of select romantic blooms. Enjoy a pre-arranged bouquet of ranunculus, roses, tulips, sweet peas, stock, carnations, chrysanthemums, eucalyptus and more in the following four colour palettes:
The Lover’s Palette: Romantic Reds, Pinks and Burgundy
The Charmer’s Palette: Vibrant Fuschia, Coral, Peach and Orange
The Darling’s Palette: Soft Blush, White, Lavender and Pink
The Sweetheart’s Palette: Colourful Pastels
Bouquets in photo showcase our $100 and $175 and $250 sizes in that order. You may select an optional simple glass vase to be included with all hand-tied bouquets which will be placed in a flower box with tissue and ribbon.